ключевые слова
boss fight, bull, burning, camouflage, car chase, censored version, color separation, customizable characters, death, death match, difficulty achievement, difficulty level, doctor, dog, dreams, e3 2004, easter egg, exploration, extinction, flashback, franchise reboot, game critics awards, game reference, game with chapters, gamersgate, ghosts, guided by radio, hallucination, hedgehog, horde mode, human, hunting, ice stage, in-game map editor, interactive environments, interrogation, journalist, jump scare moment, leaderboard, metagame, one-man army, pc to console port, playstation mobile, playstation network, playstation trophies, portals, profanity, psychotherapy, radiation, real-time combat, respawning, revenge, reversible cover art, satanism, self-referential humor, shareware, silent protagonist, snake, splash damage, steelbook, super soldier, survival horror, tower defense, transforming boss, unlockables, voice acting, voice chat, wasd movement, word game, xbox live, xbox one backwards compatibility